Terms & Conditions
RAW Kids Gymnastics Terms and Conditions
By accepting a place you are agreeing to adhere to these terms.
We expect all members to follow these codes of conduct in full. Failure to follow the codes of
conduct may result in being asked to leave classes.
Bookings and Payments
Bookings and the 1 session trial for classes must be booked via Class4kids booking system or
with one of our admin team. No classes can be attended without full payment being made prior
to the session, if you turn up to a session and you have not paid for a place then the coach has
the right to refuse entry to the class. The trial sessions can only be used once per customer
and after these have been completed you will be expected to pay the classes via monthly
subscription. You risk losing your child’s place in a class if you do not make full payment for the
month in advance of the start date of that term.
RAW kids Gymnastics runs all through the year, only closing for 2 weeks for Christmas break
and 2 weeks in August. Any other closures will be mean the classes are re-imbursed on the
next subscription date.
Your payment plan covers all fees for the year. These fees are split into 12 affordable
payments, therefore fees are still due during 4-week closures taken during August and
December owing to coaches holidays. If we cancel classes on our side owing to gym closures,
or staff sickness we will amend the payments accordingly in the following months subscription.
The fees are taken out on the first of the month
Photo and Video Disclaimer
Attendance at RAW Kids Gymnastics programmes, events or public spaces constitutes consent to
be photographed for use in print and/or electronic publicity for RAW Kids Gymnastics. Photos,
images, and videos submitted by users for online contests may also be used by the website for
promotional purposes. To ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be
identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the
photographed subject, parent or legal guardian.
If you do not want us to use a photo or video of you or your child, please notify in written form to
RAW Kids Gymnastics administrator at INSERT EMAIL PRIOR to the programme.
Signing up for classes is a rolling commitment.
The fees are non-refundable.
Should you, the Parent/Guardian, wish to cancel your child/child in question’s membership
agreement, a letter or email of your intent should be sent to and received by RAW Kids Gymnastics
Emails may be sent to INSERT EMAIL
The minimum notice period required for cancellation of a student’s membership is 30 days prior to
your next monthly renewal date – if we receive your cancellation notice closer than 30 days to your
next rolling 1-month membership period, you will be required to pay for that next rolling 1-month
membership period
In exceptional circumstances, it may be necessary for RAW Kids gymnastics to cancel a class. If
this happens, you will be notified with as much notice as possible by email and on our social
network and you will be refunded accordingly. However if the cancellation is outside of our control –
for example due to an incident at a venue, extreme weather conditions or Covid related then a
refund maybe not be applicable.
We appreciate that some children do not always wish to take part on the day or may wish to attend
other events but we are unable to refund for any children who do not take part, this is due to the fact
that we have reserved the space for your child and the staff and venue have already been
arranged. You are not entitled to a refund if your child does not wish to attend.
Arriving at classes and leaving
All children must attend classes with a supervising adult. Parents/guardians of the children who are
in the independent classes must remain in the building at all times. The coach will not allow children
to leave the class without their parent/guardian.
Disruptive and Inappropriate Behaviour
Children and adults attending classes are asked to be civil and courteous to other members and other
venue users at all times. Should a child or adult become abusive, violent or disruptive, it is at the
discretion of the lead coach to issue a time out in accordance with our discipline guidelines.
A refund or credit for lessons missed due to illness will only be considered on the production of a
signed, valid and dated doctor’s note with a full explanation of the illness.
Holidays taken within course dates will not decrease the price of the course. Full payment for the
course must still be made and no refunds will be given for weeks missed due to holidays.
On booking, please give full details of any child with any disabilities. It is the parent/guardian’s
responsibility to notify us of such disabilities to ensure safe and effective teaching methods and
standards are maintained. Some disabilities will need additional checks from our insurers and we may
require you to provide letters from medical professionals on this before classes can be attended.
Medical conditions
Guardians must update the administration office with details of new or changing medical conditions.
Insurance, First Aid and DBS Checks
We have Public Liability Insurance to include accidental injury to any person or property caused in
connection with the Business. One member of staff will have attended a First Aid Awareness Course or
have a First Aid qualification. Copies of qualifications and DBS checks are available upon request.
Understanding risk
Due to the nature of activities at a gymnastics club, we wish to inform you that the possibility of serious
injury exists. It is vital that members follow instructions given to them by coaches to decrease the risk of
serious injury. By attending class it is deemed that you accept all risks associated with such
Your participation in any public event, private event or activity listing is at your sole and exclusive
risk. You agree and understand that injuries and damages can occur by natural causes or by the
acts of other persons or third parties, either as a result of negligence or because of other
reasons. You are personally responsible for all costs and/or risks associated with any public or
private event or activity. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, to the fullest extent
allowed by law, you agree to waive, discharge claims, release "RAW Kids Gymnastics" (RAW
Kids Gymnastics) from all liability and indemnify and hold harmless "RAW Kids Gymnastics"
(RAW Kids Gymnastics), its organisers, hosts, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, volunteers
and other partners and employees, from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting
from injuries and damages in any way connected with any events or activities. You agree and
understand and intend that this assumption of risk and release be binding upon you and your
heirs, executors, agents, administrators and assigns, and includes any minors accompanying
user at the events.
We do not offer “makeup classes” for lessons missed.
In independent classes (where the adult is not required to participate in class) the supervising
adult must remain in the building at all times.